Heet Patel

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Data Science student at Nottingham Trent University. I'm a foodie, love to learn and try new things. Based in Nottingham and London, UK.
  • Spotify Stats - A WIP website that displays your requested Spotify stats using a Spotify-like UI. (JS, CSS, HTML)
  • Passel-Hikari - A Discord bot port of the Passel bot written in Hikari (A Python Discord bot library). (Python)
  • Lifestyle Management - A C++ project that manages your to-dos and events written for a university project. (C++)
  • Sueca Scorer - A Sueca (Portuguese card game) scorer written for a university project. (Python)
  • Formula Forge - A discord bot that converts LaTex Math Mode formulas to images alongside other features. (Python, APIs)
Where to Find Me